Due to the CA State Order Safer at Home, PMP and Marina City Club are providing video and
teleconference access. Please follow the instructions below to join.

Instructions to Join via Video Web Conference:

Please go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89640901480?pwd=UTZ6a2VIelBxWm5EWndCc0svQ0RKZz09
Meeting ID: 896 4090 1480

Password: 542202

Instructions to Join via Phone Conference:
Dial in Number: (669) 9006833
Meeting ID: 896 4090 1480
Passcode: 542202

I. Call to Order

II. Secretary’s Report

A. August 25, 2021 Management Council Meeting Minutes

III. Management Report

A. Action Item Tracker

IV. Treasurer’s Report

A. August 2021 Shared Area Financial Summaries

V. Unfinished Business

A. OSHA Requirement Project

B. Ground Rent Negotiation Update

C. Structural Survey Status

VI. New Business

A. Ratify Approval to Engage Stapleton

B. Ratify Approval of Reserve Study Proposals

C. Approval of Personal Trainer Fee Freeze

D. Approval of Emergency Procedure Manual / Training / Drill Proposals

E. Approval of Geotechnical Survey Proposals

F. Approval of the Waterproofing Consultant

G. Approval to use HCC for Project Management of the Seismic and Structural Inspection

H. Approval of MCC Car Wash Structural Repairs Proposals

VII. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment