Executive Session (Closed Session- Board Members Only) 3:30 PM
A) Call to Order                                 D) Delinquency Report
B) Secretary’s Report                        E) Member Discipline
C) Third Party Contracts/Proposals   F) Legal Matters

General Session (Open to All Association Members Only) 6:00 PM
Meeting ID: 821 8391 2650                                       DIAL IN
Password: 660654                                                 (669) 900-6833                                                                                                              Access Code: 660654
I. Call to Order
II. Executive Session Disclosure
III. Secretary’s Report
   A. December 14, 2022, General Session Meeting Minutes
IV. Management Report
V. Treasurer’s Report
   A. Review of November Financial Statements
VI. Unfinished Business
   A. Waste Management Update
   B. EV Charging Station Update
VII. New Business
   A. Appointment of Officers to Management Council
VIII. Committee & Team Report
   A. Land Use
   B. Safety and Security
   C. Club Council
IX. Homeowner Forum
X. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment

== Immediately Following Restaurant Meeting Agenda, Same zoom information ==

I. Call to Order
II. Treasurer’s Report
III. New Business
   a. Restaurant and Staff Update
IV. Committee Reports
V. Members’ Forum
VI. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment