Greetings Marina City Club Homeowners, You may attend the meeting via Zoom, please be aware that First and Last names will need to be displayed to be verified. Make sure your display name shows who you are to be let into the meeting, once you are verified you are free to change your display name. Any persons who do not show their first and last names may not be let into the meeting. Those who call in will also be screened, our staff will be calling you to verify your name and unit number before granting entry into the meeting.

  • Marina City Club Website Notification From:[email protected]. Please add [email protected] to your address book or safe sender list.
    Get the Mobile App: Download for iOS / Download for Android Community Contact InformationProperty Manager:(310) 578-4900. New Announcement. A new announcement has been posted. Click the link below to view the details (no login required).
  • Please understand that the Board reserves the right to decline an owner’s remote meeting participation if the owner is disruptive during a meeting. As all owners have a right and are welcome to attend open Board meetings in person, please understand that telephonic attendance is a privilege, not a right. Any owner who participates electronically is agreeing to the following terms and conditions, which if the Board determines they are violated, may subject the owner to potential disciplinary action following a notice hearing and/or the Board revocation of the privilege to attend its meetings telephonically. Owners are not permitted to record the meetings. The Board does not permit outside recordings of its meetings. Any unauthorized recording and/or further distribution (including, without limitation, uploading digital files to the internet or a website, copying files onto a hard drive, CD, DVD, or USB device, or mailing and/or emailing such files) of an unauthorized recording is strictly prohibited. Owners are not permitted to allow non-owners (including, without limitation, their tenants, non-owner cohabitants, and advisors) to listen in, participate, or otherwise hear the Association’s open Board meeting. Only owners have a right to attend open Board meetings.The Association is represented by legal counsel, and an owner’s attorney’s presence and attendance at its open Board meeting, without the Association’s knowledge, consent, or our legal council’s approval, is a violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct and may subject an owner’s legal counsel to disciplinary action by the State Bar.To prevent meeting interruptions, callers will be able to hear the business conducted by the Board but will be muted and unable to actively participate. Please keep in mind that all callers will be on a group line. As a courtesy to each other, we ask that you mute your phones while listening in to eliminate distracting background noise. We also ask that you disable your video if you plan to use a computer or mobile device. The video feed will slow the call quality significantly should we have a high volume of participation.