The General Session is available to view and participate in Homeowner Forum via video / teleconference as
allowable by Governor Newsom Executive Order suspending portions of the Brown Act’s teleconferencing rules.
Meeting ID: 821 8391 2650
Password: 660654
(669) 900-6833
Access Code: 660654
A. Call to Order
B. Executive Session Disclosure
C. Secretary’s Report
• August 11, 2021 General Session Meeting Minutes
D. Management Report
E. Restaurant Report
• Status of Restaurant
F. Treasurer’s Report
• Review of July Financial Statements
G. Unfinished Business
• OSHA Requirement Update
• Update on Ground Rent Negotiations
H. New Business
• Management Council 5 th Board Member
• Ratify Approval of Reserve Study Proposal
• Ratify Approval of Nadel for Recreation Deck Architecture Service
• Ratify Approval of Shoring Proposal for “Old Laundry Room”
• Concrete Slab Repair Outside Promenade Unit #105 Proposals
• Block Wall Cap Proposals
I. Committee & Team Report
J. Homeowner Forum
K. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment