Executive Session (Closed Session- Board Members Only) 10:00 AM
A) Call to Order
B) Secretary’s Report
C) Third Party Contracts/Proposals
D) Delinquency Report
E) Member Discipline
F) Legal Matters
General Session (Open to All Association Members Only) 11:00 AM
The General Session is available to view and participate in Homeowner Forum via video / teleconference as
allowable by Governor Newsom Executive Order suspending portions of the Brown Act’s teleconferencing rules.

Meeting ID: 864 3031 5768 DIAL IN
Password: 477420 (669) 900-6833
Access Code: 477420

I. Call to Order
II. Executive Session Disclosure
III. Unfinished Business
IV. New Business
    A. Proposed Rule Change – Storage of Items in Parking Garage
    B. Covid Guidelines for Fitness Center
V. Homeowner Forum
VI. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment