Executive Session (Closed Session Board Members Only) 3:30 PM
A) Call to Order                                     D) Delinquency Report

B) Secretary’s Report                           E) Member Discipline

C) Third Party Contracts/Proposals      F) Legal Matters

General Session (Open to All Association Members Only) 6:00 PM

The General Session is available to view and participate in Homeowner Forum via video / teleconference as
allowable by Governor Newsom Executive Order suspending portions of the Brown Act’s teleconferencing rules.


Meeting ID: 821 8391 2650 DIAL IN

Password: 660654 (669) 9006833

Access Code: 660654

I. Call to Order

II. Executive Session Disclosure

III. Secretary’s Report

   A. January 12, 2022 General Session Meeting Minutes

IV. Management Report

V. Restaurant Report

   A. Status of Restaurant

VI. Treasurers Report

   A. Review of December Financial Statements

VII. Unfinished Business

   A. Update on Ground Rent Negotiations

VIII. New Business

   A. Umbrella Insurance Policy Renewal

   B. Pool Consultant Proposals

   C. Waterproofing Consultant and Quality Assurance Proposals

   D. Structural Repairs “Old Laundry Room” Proposals

   E. Annual Financial Audit Proposals

   F. Center Tower Fire System Jockey Pump Proposals

   G. Cal Recycle Organic Waste Collection Services Proposal

   H. Approval of Proposed Rule Change Storage of Items in Parking Garage

    I. Mobile Car Wash Proposals

IX. Committee & Team Report

X. Homeowner Forum

XI. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment