Executive Session (Closed Session- Board Members Only) 3:30 PM
A) Call to Order D) Delinquency Report
B) Secretary’s Report E) Member Discipline
C) Third Party Contracts/Proposals F) Legal Matters
General Session (Open to All Association Members Only) 6:00 PM

Meeting ID: 821 8391 2650 DIAL IN
Password: 660654 (669) 900-6833
Access Code: 660654
I. Call to Order
II. Executive Session Disclosure
III. Secretary’s Report
A. February 9, 2022 General Session Meeting Minutes
IV. Management Report
V. Restaurant Report
A. Status of Restaurant
VI. Treasurer’s Report
A. Review of February Financial Statements
B. Approval of Extension on Reserve Repayment Plan
C. Approval of Emergency Special Assessment Resolution
VII. Unfinished Business
A. Update on Ground Rent Negotiations
B. OSHA Final Requirement Proposal
VIII. New Business
A. Camera Proposals
B. Pollution Liability Insurance
C. Assignment And Assumption of Access Control Services Agreement and Golf Cart
D. HOA Construction Consulting Change Fee Amount and Authorization of Construction
Administration Phase Agreement
E. Phone Migration Proposals
F. 2020 Audit Approval
G. Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Engineering Proposals
H. Design Lighting Consultant Proposals
I. Testing and Inspection Engineers Proposal
J. Project Management for Old Laundry Room Repair – Chief Engineer
IX. Committee & Team Report
X. Homeowner Forum
XI. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
April 13, 2022