Executive Session (Closed Session- Board Members Only) 11:30 AM
A) Call to Order                                 D) Delinquency Report
B) Secretary’s Report                        E) Member Discipline
C) Third Party Contracts/Proposals   F) Legal Matters
General Session (Open to All Association Members Only) 10:30 AM

Instructions to Join via Video Web Conference:
Meeting ID: 857 3889 1199
Password: 887066
Instructions to Join via Phone Conference:
Dial in Number: (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID:857 3889 1199
Passcode: 887066
I. Call to Order
II. Secretary’s Report
   A. March 22, 2022 Management Council Meeting Minutes
III. Management Report
   A. Action Item Tracker
IV. Treasurer’s Report
   A. February 2022 Shared Area Financial Summaries
V. Unfinished Business
   A. Shared Area Audit Report
   B. OSHA Final Requirement Proposals
VI. New Business
   A. Pollution Liability Insurance Proposal
   B. Project Management for Old Laundry Room Repair – Chief Engineer
     C. Toshiba Printer Contract Renewal
VII. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment